If you have forefoot pain that comes and goes, it may be Morton’s Neuroma…..
Morton’s Neuroma causes discomfort and misery, but it is very difficult to put your finger on. Most people with Morton’s Neuroma find that it does not hurt all of the time, it is usually most painful when you are wearing shoes, and on your feet for a time. Often when out walking, a few miles in. It feels like a lump in the forefoot foot, usually around the 3rd and 4th toes. It can be sharp, burn, fizz or ache, or feel sore. Many can’t find it when pressing on the foot. It is irritated by tighter-fitting shoes and sometimes even tight socks. It can make you limit your activity to avoid discomfort and becomes more of a problem the longer you have it leading to low mood.
What is it?
Physiologically it presents as an enlargement of the nerve in the foot caused by irritation and inflammation.
Why does it Develop?
Morton’s is usually associated with one or a combination of the following:
How is it Diagnosed?
The clinical test is called a Mulder’s click, where we gently squeeze across the foot and press the area between our thumb and forefinger, there is a ‘click’ when the nerve moves in the foot.
How do we treat it?
A steroid injection can be done in the clinic and can help reduce inflammation and cause a softening effect on soft tissue, settling down the problem. If this is beneficial, further injections can be arranged to manage the problem.
If all else fails ……….
If none of the above approaches are successful, we can refer on for a surgical opinion for possible excision of the thickened nerve.