Cheshire Foot Clinic
To improve your foot ankle and leg function
Following assessment of your feet within an initial consultation. A treatment plan will be discussed with you which may include foot mobilisation therapy.
These are manual therapies, specifically developed to improve your foot and ankle function by targeting stiff, dysfunctional joints and tissues. They are used in combination with other treatment modalities such as Exercise Rehabilitation and orthotics.
Some of our Podiatrists are trained to use the Stecco method of fascial manipulation which may form part of this treatment.

This form of manual therapy involves gently moving the soft tissues and joints of the leg, foot and ankle in specific ways to treat the cause of pain, rather than simply treating the symptom. Mobilising joints and soft tissues increases the synovial fluid to the area which is vital in joint lubrication to improve joint movement.
If you think you have a problem that might benefit from Mobilisation or manipulation, please: Book an Appointment
If you need help please call 01565 655840 or email our team for advice with your booking.
Chat to us to see if mobilisation might help your foot problem. Or download our guide: Better Ways to Keep Your Feet Healthy