Cheshire Foot Clinic
Fungal nail infections
Fungal infection
Fungal infections commonly affect the feet as fungus thrives in the dark, the moist and warm environment provided by shoes and socks. Some of us are more prone than others to developing fungal infections. If you think you have a fungal infection, and it isn’t improving we can help you manage and treat this problem.

We can:
- Test your skin and nails to confirm if there is a fungal infection
- Give you advice to reduce/prevent future infection
- Suggest topical or oral treatments
- Refer you for a dermatological opinion where necessary.
Treatment will improve the appearance of the feet.

Fungal Nails
Patients frequently come to the clinic embarrassed by the appearance of their feet and one of the main reasons many state is their nails. The incidence of fungal nail infection is high across the population, some groups are more at risk than others. Fungal nails can appear thickened, yellow and crumbling.
Our Podiatrists can test for fungus and help you decide on how best to treat a fungal infection if it is present.
Many over the counter anti-fungal lotions and creams will not be effective against fungal nail infections. Alternative or additional treatment and advice may be necessary so it may save you money to seek advice on how best to treat a fungal nail infection from our Podiatrists before purchasing expensive over the counter treatments.
We can test your nails to confirm that they are fungal, discuss the treatment options available and help you decide the best one for you.
Applying topical treatments can be disheartening, they rarely work as they cannot penetrate the keratin of the nail and the fungus grows beneath so regular nail reduction by our Podiatrists can help the success of the treatment you choose.
The following treatment options are available for patients with fungal nail infections:
- Laser treatment
- Topical or oral medication
- Regular nail care with one of our Podiatrists can improve the success of treatment for fungal nails and improve appearance of the nails even whilst they are still infected.
See our page to find out more about Laser Treatment for Fungal Nail Infections

If you think have a fungal infection on your feet, please: Book an Appointment
If you need help please call 01565 655840 or email our team for advice with your booking.
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What Do You Know About Athlete's Foot