Cheshire Foot Clinic
Improving the comfort and shape of problem nails
Patients with ingrowing, infected and painful nails may be assessed for nail surgery. This is a straightforward and effective procedure routinely undertaken by our Podiatrists to permanently improve the comfort and shape of problem nails. Patients with problem nails are given a thorough assessment, explanation of the procedure and opportunity to ask questions before they decide to go ahead and consent to proceed with nail surgery.

This procedure is done under local anaesthetic and patients need to rest for the remainder of the day and return for redressing the following day. Dressings for use at home are provided as part of this treatment and patients are also followed up later.
This photo shows one of our recent nail surgery patients less than 6 weeks postoperatively.
If you are suffering with ingrowing or painful toenails, please: Book an Appointment
If you need help please call 01565 655840 or email our team for advice with your booking.
You can chat to us about your problem or download a copy of our leaflet:
Hanging by A Toe