Cheshire Foot Clinic
Transforming feet
‘We’ll make you feet feel and look better’
Many people come to see us wanting to improve the comfort and appearance of their feet.
At Cheshire Foot Clinic our Podiatrists are happy to support patients with all their foot health needs.
During your initial assessment our Podiatrist will
- Assess your health, mobility and needs to formulate a bespoke treatment plan.
- Provide treatment of routine nail and skin problems.
…Our Medical Pedicure!

Nail care:
Some people struggle to manage their own nails due to eyesight, back problems, nail changes or reduced flexibility. This can be temporary following an illness or surgery, or a feature of increased frailty as we age.
If you have problem nails you may want to find our more about:
Nail reconstruction to hide damaged nails.
When you come for a routine treatment we will offer to treat your nails too.
Corns and calluses:
Corns and calluses on our feet are due to skin changes or thickening and can be a sign of elevated forces or pressure and our body’s way of protecting us. This can be caused by pressure from internal structures such as prominent bones or pressure from external structures such as footwear. Dry skin and scarring also cause corns and calluses.
For most people a little hard skin is not painful or a problem. For others corns and calluses can be a cause of pain and discomfort and can require regular routine treatment with painless debridement and emollient therapy.
We can help you improve the comfort and appearance of corns and hard skin with our routine treatment.

If you would like further information about our treatments, please: Book an Appointment
If you need help please call 01565 655840 or email our team for advice with your booking.
Chat to us about your problem or download a copy of our leaflet:
Better Ways to Keep Your Feet Healthy