What is gout?
Gout is a form of arthritis that causes sudden, severe joint pain, typically in the big toe, but it can also occur in other joints, such as the mid-foot or ankle. In cases where the inflammation is not as severe, larger joints, such as the knee, can occasionally become swollen and painful.
Who is affected?
Men are more susceptible to the condition. Other risk factors for gout are:
- Being overweight
- Drinking alcohol
- Certain medications such as diuretics (water pills) or blood pressure medications
- High cholesterol
- Blood pressure
- Kidney disease
- Osteoarthritis
- Diabetes
- Recent surgery or sustained an injury.
What are the symptoms?
Pain the main symptom experienced along with the joint feeling hot, swollen and the skin turning red over the affected joint.
In cases with severe pain, high temperature, fever, nausea the joint may have an infection and require urgent medical assistance.
How long does an attack last?
Gout attacks typically last between five and seven days before they subside.
How to manage Gout episodes
The management of gout will typically involve a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions.
Gout attacks are commonly treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen to reduce pain and inflammation. Footwear, orthotics and strapping to relieve pain.
If the pain and swelling do not improve steroids may be used.
Non-pharmaceutical interventions include lifestyle changes such as regular exercise/ weight loss, reducing purine intake through diet and reducing alcohol consumption. These all help to reduce risk factors associated with gout.
How can a podiatrist help in the manifestation of Gout?
Our podiatrists can help with pain management. To help reduce impairment and the disability that gout may cause. We offer palliative nail and skin care, advice on appropriate footwear, taping to relieve symptoms and orthoses to help support the feet.
Gout sufferers require supportive footwear that fits their feet comfortably, has a wide opening, is made of flexible materials, and has adjustable straps. Finding shoes that are wide enough, functional for work, and aesthetically pleasing can be one of the main obstacles.
During an episode of gout:
- Take medicines as soon as possible
- Rest and raise the limb
- Keep the joint cool – apply an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel, for up to 20 mins at a time
- Drink lots of water (unless the GP tells you not to)
- Try to keep bedclothes off the joint at night.
- Take any pressure off the joint.
To find out more about treating and preventing gout: download our guide Gout
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